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The leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, is being chased by Austrian and European Jewish lobby groups for posting an anti-banker cartoon on Facebook. The cartoon depicts a banker with a hooked nose and a Star of Zion cufflinks. He is being fed delicacies by a man who represented the government. The third figure is emaciated and poorly dressed with nothing more than a bone on his plate. He represented the 99% people. Watch the cartoon here.

Strache, himself Jewish, says he is not singling out Jews but is criticizing “greedy bankers” regardless of ethnicity.

Jewish leader Oskar Deutsch said on Monday that the caricature depicts Jews in the way Nazi publications did under Hitler. Ironically, Hitler’s economic platform was not much different than Barack Obama or Mitt Romney’s election pitch.

Jewish groups’ anger against fellow ‘self-hating Jew’, however, was much milder than ‘International Occupy Wall Street Cartoon contest held by Iranian Fars News Agency last month.

Both Christian Strache and his associate Klaus Nittmann are known for their hatred toward Islam and Muslims. In 2009, Strache demanded that the Austrian parliament pass a ban on minaret construction and Muslim Hijab. His demand was hailed as a good sign by the Zionist media in the West. In 2010, the Freedom Party even produced a video game, “Bye Bye Mosque”, which had drawn sharp criticism from Austria’s Social Democrats, Green Party and Muslim community.

Israel and the Zionist groups have alway found some excuses to slam Austrian leaders. Former president Kurt Waldheim (died 2007) was called a ‘Jew-hater’ for criticizing the Zionist regime while he was UN chief (1972-81). Austrian president Heinz Fischer mourned his death by saying: “We have lost a great Austrian”, as flags outside his office flew at half mast. Former Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel called Waldheim a great fighter for peace and freedom in the world. However, Austrian President Thomas Klestil (died 2004), was exception. He was loved by Zionists for praising Theodor Herzl and hosting more than 100 Orthodox rabbis at Hofburg palace and receiving a blessing from Israel’s chief rabbi, Yona Metzger. He died two days before his visit to Israel. On June 18, 2004 – Klestil penned an opinion article in American Jewish magazine, Forward, in which he claimed: “Anti-Semitism is often disguised as anti-Zionism”. Interestingly, a few years ago, Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper made a similar claim!

Freedom Party’s former popular leader, Jorg Haider, was allegedly assassinated by Israeli Mossad in a “car crash” on October 11, 2008. Only 16 days earlier, Haider had blamed the Zionist bankers for world’s problems. Israeli lobby Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called him ‘anti-Semite’ even though Haider’s No.2 man, Peter Sichrovshky, was Jewish. On October 16, 1996, Sichrovsky was elected as one of six members of the European Parliament on the Freedom Party ticket.

People aware of banking world’s greed, immoral manipulation, trillion dollars bailouts – also know that a great majority of bankers are Jewish elites. This is very reason that criticism of Wall Street or Federal Reserve have been labelled as anti-Semitism by Jewish groups.

Austria’s anti-Bankers cartoon angers Jewish groups | Rehmat's World