Israel beats Iran in jailing and killing journalists


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TheUS-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has released its latest report. It lists 908 journalists killed during 1992-2011 period – and 179 journalists imprisoned in 2011. In both categories, the so-called ‘the only democracy in the ME’ tops the list, based on population.

Israel (10 killed/7 million population) ranks 19th among the top 20 deadliest regimes lead by Iraq (151/24) during US occupation. Interestingly, West’s most oppressive regimes like the Islamic Republic, Syria, Sudan and Lebanon are not among the top 20 deadliest regimes. The journalist death records in those four countries listed, are; Iran (3/74 million), Syria (8/20 million), Sudan (1/44 million) and Lebanon (8/4.2 million).

When it coms to journalists being imprisoned – Israel (4/7), though it did not include Israeli Jewish journalist Anat Kamm – took the honor of being No.2 among the top ten abusers – followed by Iran (42/74), Syria (8/21). Eritrea (28/5) topped the list while Sudan did not qualify for the top ten. However, the CPJ avoided to mention that all the journalists in Israeli jails are Palestinians. Yes, we all know Jews never get involved in crimes.

In February 2012, Reporters Without Borders claimed that Israel Occupation Force (IOF) soldiers enjoy total impunity in physical violance against Palestinian, Israeli and foreign photojournalists covering demonstrations against Israel’s West Bank separation barrier and continued colonization of Palestinian territory.

Turkey’s record shows 20 journalists killed and 8 jailed in 73 million population. In the United States, 5 journalists were killed. However, CPJ doesn’t list the hundreds of civilians and jounalists arrested or physically abused to control Occupy Wall Street movement which began on September 17, 2011 in Zuccotti Park, New York city. The movement took its inspiration from Egypt’s Tahrir Square anti-Mubarak peaceful protests. That’s why the pro-Israel Islamophobes have tried to link OWS ithe Eypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

Israel beats Iran in jailing and killing journalists | Rehmat\'s World