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Early this month, ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan, who resigned after the January 2010 assassination of Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh by Mossad agents (both male and female) in Dubai – had called Israeli idea of attacking Islamic Iran as “absolute stupidity”. Now, Meir Dagan admits that opposition to Palestinian statehood in the form of the upcoming September vote before the General Assembly is a serious error of judgment.

Dagan told his audience that Palestinian statehood is an outcome that is unstoppable. It would be far more in Israel’s interest to come to terms with the declaration of statehood than to oppose.

It’s interesting to note that an Israeli Jewish mass killer is more honest than the leaders of world’s morality squad, such as, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, David Cameron, Angela Markel, Sarkozy, Benji Netanyahu, Abe foxman, etc.

Over 130 of the 192 member of the United Nations have pledged so far to support the establishment of a Palestinian state if it is brought up for a vote by the General Assembly this coming September. However, none of them have in mind Obama’s absurd notion of a demilitarized state of Palestine being declared by the Palestinian Authority.

Benji Netanyahu and other radical Jewish leaders have rejected Barack Obama’s vision of the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian mini-state on parts of the territories occupied by the Israel Occupation Forces (IOF) in 1967. This state would become a Bantustan with its foreign policy dictated by the Zionist Occupied Governments (ZOG) – undoubtedly a mockery of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.

Currently, no demilitarized sovereign state exists in the world. Currently, there are over two dozen ‘entities’ which do not have regular armed forces – as their agreed borders are protected by the former colonial powers. These ‘entities’ (Iceland, Monaco, Vatican, Grenada, Samoa, etc.) have police or para-military force to keep law and order.

Frankly, Obama’s vision of an independent, democratic and contiguous Palestinian state that would not be allowed to have a military to defend its borders from the Jewish army or having defense pacts with its neighboring countries (Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Lebanon) – is nothing but a sick joke.

Meir Dagan pulls Zionazi rug Again! | Rehmat's World