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The paranoid Zionist world remains glued to its misguided notion that a vicious propaganda war, based on lies, will force Tehran to stop its nuclear program and its support for anti-Israel forces in the region.

The Zionist regime has been threatening to bomb Iran for years but it rather let US and NATO to do its dirty work. French Crypto-Jewish President has warned Tehran of the coming war. Then world was told the war criminal Benji Netanyahu is seeking his cabinet’s approval to bomb Iran. Early this week British press reported the Israel-Firster David Cameron is planning an ‘imminent military strikes’ on Islamic Republic. In the mean time, Ben-Obama’s point man on Iran, Crypto-Jew John Bolton has been whining that Obama is no friend of Israel.

Israel has also issued a warning to its puppet western governments that “the window of opportunity for striking the Iranian nuclear sites this year will close in a matter of weeks, with the coming of winter“.

A few days ago, Iranian were threatened by the news that Israel has tested a ballistic missile which can reach Iran. Funny though, in June this year, British media had claimed that Tehran tested a ballistic missile which can reach every major Israeli city and beyond. Let us not forget the 23,000+ Hizbullah rockets aimed at Israeli cities. Israeli Brigadier General Yaron Levi, the Navy’s intelligence chief speaking at Tel Aviv University in July 2011 said that Hezbollah has Iranian-made surface-to-sea missiles, and may also obtain from Russian-made rockets that Syria has. These missiles, he said Hizbullah has a range of Iranian and Russian made missiles that “covers all of Israel’s ports, our economic waters and a large part of the shipping lines to Israel.”

Furthermore, Iran’s two other regional allies, Syria and Hamas, too, have a few of their rockets aimed at the Zionist entity. Surrounded by these ‘dooms-rockets’, the Zionist war criminals are in no position to blackmail Tehran.

All this Israeli Hasbara (propaganda) is meant to force so far reluctant Barack Obama to issue marching orders for a new war without having really intended to do so. British daily Guardian reported on November 2, 2011 that “war with Iran is the last thing Barack Obama needs with the American economy in dire trouble and a tough White House election next year. But while the Obama administration is desperate to avoid a new war – the drumbeat from Israel has been growing louder“.

120 nations of Non-Aliged Movemenr (NAM) support Iran’s civilian nuclear program. The result of a 2010 poll taken among several Arab countries by Zogby International showed that 77% of participants agreed that “Iran has a right to its nuclear program“.

Iran’s civilian nuclear power-generating program is safeguarded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran is also a member of Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Israel, N. Korea, India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons, are not members of NPT and thus considered rouge states.

Islamic Republic has always open and compliant about it’s program. IAEA has sometime questioned Tehran’s intent but has never accused Tehran of running an active nuclear military program. However, under Yukiya Amano, IAEA reports on Iran have become more and more pro-American agenda. On October 18, 2011 – the TIME mgazine reported that Obama administration is clearly pushing the IAEA to more clearly align itself unambiguously with views of anti-Iran countries by accusing Tehran of using its civilian nuclear activities as cover for a secret weapon program – in IAEA new report due soon. It’s the repitition of Washington’s bogus claim on Iraqi WMDs. US-Israel believe insertion of such allegations in the coming IAEA report will bring both Russia and China aboard UNSC’s fifth ‘crippling sanction’ against Iran.

Watch below a video showing USraeli bogus propaganda against Iran’s nuclear program.

The ‘Coalition of Evils’ against Islamic Republic | Rehmat's World