
The number 9 and the occult.......

Occult Numerology and the Number Nine (9)
Original material ("Flashpoint"; Texe Marrs; 8-91)
edited and expanded by Pastor David L. Brown Ph.D.

There are a variety numbers that hold secret significance within occult circles. Among the most common are 3, 6, 9, & 13. The number that we will focus in this study is the number 9. It holds powerful significance for many occult groups. Let's take a look at some of the arcane history behind the number nine.
Ancient Occult History and the Number Nine

Ancient Greek pagans held nine sacred because to them nine symbolized the 9 Muses or sister goddesses, daughters of Zeus and Mnenosyne, who were believed to preside over mankind's activities on earth. Their names were--Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania.

Nine was also a significant number to the Etruscans. These ancient pagan people from north west Italy worshipped nine gods. Nine was also a holy number in Rome. According to Texe Marrs, "the Romans honored the goddess Nundina by holding a purification ceremony for male infants on their nineth day of life. In addition, every ninth year the Romans held a feast in memory of the dead."
Satanists and the Number Nine

Satanists take delight in the number nine for a couple of reasons. First, Satanists enjoy reversing, mirroring and inverting symbols, letters and numbers. When you turn the number "9" upside down you get "6" which makes up the number of the Beast (666) as revealed in Revelation 13:18 in the Bible. Second, Satanists take perverse pleasure in commemorating the death of Christ and the death of Christ is associated with the number nine. Mark 15: 34-37 reveals that Christ spoke his last words on the Cross of Calvary at the ninth hour and "gave up the ghost (died)."
Masonic Orders and the Number Nine

According to the book "Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues" by W. W. Wescott nine holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret societies. He said, "There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights in which nine roses, nine lights, and nine knocks are used." In fact the number nine is the number of "the earth under evil influences."

In summary, the number 9 is an important numeric symbol to many occult groups and sole practitioners. Unlike the number 13 that almost all people know has some superstitious implications, the number 9 would be considered "just another number" by the average person.

Wiki and the number 9
WikiAnswers - What is the meaning of number nine
(9 movie and the occult)

[B]9 Movie Review
9 Movie: The Loneliest Number

By Rob Vaux September 08, 2009[/B]

Mania Review for Shane Acker's animated adventure, 9(2009).
© Focus Features/Bob Trate

Ads for 9 have pushed the big names under the producer byline--Tim Burton and Timor Bekmambetov--as a way of boosting awareness, and certainly one can see how the film might appeal to them. But the real name to pay attention to is director Shane Acker, who helmed the Oscar-nominated short on which 9 is based and announces himself as a talent to be watched here. It's not a perfect film--struggling to fill a very brief running time and marred by occasional fits of repetition--but the majority of it displays a vision and originality that stands among the very best in an already strong year for animation.

A Dark Vision
Nor is 9 entirely meant for children. Its dark vision and numerological meditation on the nature of the soul may go right over the wee ones' heads, despite the copious action scenes and an appealing hero (voiced by Elijah Wood) referred to only by the titular number. He awakens in a world which has succumbed to extinction. The human race is no more, destroyed in a war against machines originally built to serve them. But Acker finds a new twist on that shopworn scenario: the dead society is akin to the European nations of World War II rather than some far-flung future. The bombed-out cities and ash-strewn streets of this world stem from our past, not our future, while the few remaining "stitchpunk" machines look no less out of place for their mad science advancements.

Into this realm step nine burlap dolls, created by a dying alchemist and imbued with shards of his soul. Led by the imperious 1 (voiced by Christopher Plummer), they have adopted a run-and-hide policy towards the surviving machines. But then 9 appears--the last and most enlightened of their number--who possesses a drive and a curiosity which the others lack. His refusal to accept a life of fear has devastating repercussions for all of them, but may also lead the way to something better.

Human Free
9 scores its most palpable hits in the articulation of this world--its past, its grimy confines and the cobbled-together beings who have now inherited it. Acker does the hard work of making it all fit together, complete with a plausible alternate history and a way for it to match our world without necessarily belonging to it. Small wonder it captured Burton's eye: the sensibilities remain resolutely in his camp, while still reflecting Acker's own imagination. The vocal cast--including Jennifer Connelly, Crispin Glover and John C. Reilly--provides depth to otherwise simple personality tropes, giving us a rooting interest to balance out the human-free spectacle.

The difficulties stem from its efforts to pad the drama, which demands feature-length status despite the fact that it's probably best suited to the 45-to-50-minute range. Acker does his best, but the storyline spins its wheels in the second act, and while additional plot developments provide adequate narrative heft, they eventually run out of ways to elaborate on the basics.

The Numerology of 9
The film's underlying mysticism provides more fruitful results, though it remains something of a mixed bag as well. The number 9 holds tremendous power in numerology, and as Acker explains, it also constitutes the pinnacle of human achievement (one shy of the "perfect 10"). 9 expounds upon that fitfully yet enthusiastically, infusing what is essentially a science fiction story with strong trappings of the occult. It feels somewhat unformed at times, but also further distinguishes the work from run-of-the-mill animation.

And whatever the film's difficulties, it remains anything but run of the mill. Acker applies so much care to both his universe and the figures within it that even when he stumbles, our fascination remains complete. Rarely has animation more assertively stated its grown-up credentials without losing its populist appeal. It may not be a great film, but in its own way, it embodies the greatness of its chosen genre in ways no other piece of animation could. In the doldrums of September--and with the likes of Up and Coraline to measure up to--that constitutes an extraordinary accomplishment.

Source:9 Movie Review - Mania.com
9 Trailer
I like Numerology and I think that this ancient science possesses many answers to the different questions of modern life. But in the same time I think that we should separate the mysticism from the science. Mysticism always spoils the practical results.
This really interested me because the number 9 has always been my favorite number since I was a kid (without knowing any of these things).

One thing that really bugged me and caught my attention, though, was the statement (666) being the mark of the Beast. A lot of theologians actually claim that the mark of the Beast is (616), and that (666) is actually a mistake that's been passed down...