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On April 7, 2011 – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his government’s ‘roadmap’ to resolve the war on Libya by the US, France, Britain and NATO.

Turkey’s roadmap includes three key elements to resolve the conflict which was planned by the western powers to steal Libyan vast oil reserves and break-up another Muslim country for the benefit of Israel.

1. An immediate cease-fire must be declared; Gadhafi’s forces must lift their siege on some towns and they must withdraw.
2. Safe zones must be created that will enable the uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid to the Libyan people.
3. A process must start immediately for a transition to democratic change, a transformation taking into consideration the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Libya so that a constitutional democracy can be established.

The Turkish ‘roadmap’ for Libya will be discussed Wednesday at a meeting in Qatar that will include representatives from European powers, the United States, Middle East allies and various organizations working to guide the international intervention in Libya.

Erdogan told the press that Ankara has been working on its roadmap along with “leading figures in the international community” and “will share it with our partners, including the United Nations, the African Union, the Arab League and Organization of the Islamic Conference ahead of the meeting of the Libya contact group in Qatar.”

Barack Obama’s hatred toward another Muslim country was exposed by journalist Mark Hosenball, who has claimed that Obama had given CIA green light to take covert actions against Qaddafi regime in Libya – even before the UNSC Resolution 1973 for a no-fly zone over Libya.

Turkey’s ‘Roadmap’ for Libya | Rehmat calling