
Vaccinations and autoimmune diseases

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dr. Kris Gaublomme
Brussels, April 5, 2002


Vaccinations are aimed to protect the individual against the serious complications of certain diseases. At least, that used to be the goal. We find that the focus has shifted increasingly to the prevention and even eradication of some diseases, each more serious than others. Fearing infection, from impotence by increasing resistance to antibiotics, the increasing attention to vaccination. Here, it is assumed that the immune system of every individual is capable of automatically increasing body burden with foreign antigens, preservatives etc. easily digestible. An assumption which, as will appear, is not evident.

Each vaccine gives side effects. Of particular interest in the study of this chapter is the auto-immune problems. Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which a body created antibodies against its own tissues and organs. This eventually leads to a partial or total dysfunction of that organ. A curative treatment is impossible in traditional medicine, and doctors are limited to administering medication that suppresses immune system as a whole in order to eliminate the undesirable reactions. This course is particularly great, because not only does the patient the rest of his life be substituted for the disabled body, including its general susceptibility to infections is a sharp increase from this medication. These patients are therefore the rest of their lives should be monitored intensively, and much faster than others to infection should be treated with antibiotics, antivirals, anti-fungal products etc. It is the general state of such patients are often affected to the extent that a normal social and professional life was no longer a possibility. Despite treat their disease often remains dormant, and the patient is constantly fighting against.

Now if that vaccines can trigger autoimmune exactly, this has very serious implications for health policy. Then it appears that the immune system strengthened, but instead may be weakened or even destroyed by vaccination. This means that frivolous vaccination campaigns not only irresponsible but also the public health harm. Any government that decide to bear a very serious ethical and political responsibility.

Auto-immune diseases which are then known after vaccination, and it shows how they related to vaccination?

No side effects of a vaccine specifically. This means that a vaccine not every victim will cause the same problem, and secondly, that no symptom or no disease occurs only after this vaccine. The explanation is simple: a vaccine weakens the immune status of the patient after his weaknesses to the surface. What this points to is not the vaccine but the genetic load of that individual. The HLA-system provides us the opportunity to at least a partial list of these inherited weaknesses, but in practice this is unfortunately not used.

Yet there are ways with reasonable probability the link between vaccination and the subsequent problems. A probability that is sufficient in most countries the courts to decide compensation to the victim. A scientifically accepted way to do this is to apply the Algorithms of Karch-Lasagna, a set of parameters where the probability of a causal connection state.

Sometimes the link between vaccination and autoimmunity very evident. Thus, the pertussis vaccine used in such experiments in animals to cause an allergic encephalomyelitis to. It becomes very difficult to deny that the vaccine in infants can cause the same problem! Yet it managed to succeed in the second case the connection as "accidental" interpretation.


There are several possible mechanisms that may play a role in the development of autoimmunity after vaccination (1). Given the short time of my nomination I will not go into detail. Of particular importance However, I think the warning from Jefferys (2). First, he claims that multiple vaccinations in a short time may lead to a pronounced, albeit transient depletion of naive T-cells, leading to a possible predominance of naïve autoreactive T-cells, the increased risk of autoimmune reactions. Secondly, the increase of apoptotic cells lead to an increased exposure to intracellular auto-antigens, which again could lead to autoimmune reactions. Only a portion of the T-cells will thus be transformed into memory cells, as intended, but after the other vaccinal stimulation may contribute to the development of autoimmunity. Exposure to toxic adjuvants, and shifts between Th1 and Th2 cells (3) other possible causes for an impaired immunity.

Examples of autoimmune disease after vaccination

1. Periarteritis nodosa (Polyarteritis nodosa =)

is a condition where the arteries are affected by antibodies. The result is a degeneration, necrosis and inflammation of the artery, sometimes leading to amputation of a limb or placement of an artificial blood vessel should be undertaken. The blood supply of the body where the leads go artery is then compromised.
This syndrome was found after vaccination against diphtheria antitoxin, hepatitis B (Engerix B, SK Beecham), tuberculosis and tetanus.
Even medicated triggers are known: phenytoin (Dilantin ®), Bactrim ®, ...
GSK is in possession of at least 3 documented cases after Engerix B vaccination. That they are aware of this, the fact that the company has tried one of the victims to pay hush money. When he refused was suddenly denied any link and the patient vilified.

2. Multiple sclerosis

In this case affected the nervous system leading to loss of control over the lower limbs, urinary incontinence, impotence and diplopia (double vision).
As early as 1961 opened Merei Palffy and (4) the discussion. Sibley followed with his own observations in 1965 (5), Miller and colleagues 9 observed MS cases after several vaccines (6), Andersen (1976) (7), Lu (1984) (8), Riikonen (1989) (9) Mahassine (1993) (10), Tartaglino (1995) (11), ...
MS is in the scientific literature found after several vaccines, including hepatitis B (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), smallpox (21, 22, 23, 24), yellow fever, typhoid, rabies (25, 26, 27, 28), tuberculosis, disease sign, polio, tetanus, diphtheria antitoxin (29) and influenza (30, 31, 32, 33, 34). Forrester (35) pointed to the link between polyneuritis, a known complication after vaccination and MS, which is an additional argument for the possibility of MS following vaccination.

3. Optical neuritis

is an inflammation of the optic nerve based on auto-immune reactions. This condition often occurs within the context of a known MS. The disease occurs after vaccination against hepatitis B (36), influenza (37, 38, 39), rubella (40, 41), MMR (42), and tetanus (43, 44). The condition can even occur bilaterally (45).

4. Paraplegia from spinal cord (transverse myelitis)

with deterioration of neurological function distal to all levels of paraplegia may also occur following vaccination against rubella (46, 47, 48), influenza (49), hepatitis B (50, 51, 52), MMR (53), rabies (54, 55, 56) and smallpox (57, 58) and after combined diphtheria antitoxin - tetanus - polio (59).

5. Diabetes mellitus,

better known as "diabetes", is produced by degradation of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. After a hepatitis B vaccination in New Zealand was an increase of 60% down, while there was an increase after Hib vaccination (60, 61). I treat yourself to a girl 13 years of age a florid juvenile diabetes developed 1 week after hepatitis B vaccination, and I know of one case shortly after meningitis C vaccination. Stickl stopped at the relationship between smallpox vaccination and diabetes (62). After pertussis vaccination was determined by Champsaur diabetes (63), while Furman noted the phenomenon in animals. Ehrengut (64) and Maass (65) describe diabetes after bofvaccinatie. Apparently there is a genetic predisposition seen 97% of the victims are carriers of the HLA-DR3 and DR4 allele. This confirms previous observations on the affinity of the mumps virus in the pancreas. Diabetes, which is set to three weeks after vaccination may be considered as caused by the vaccine. Most cases occur in 12 to 14 days. Sinanotis et al describe a case even a six year old boy in one months after vaccination (66).

6. Erythema nodosum

is characterized by red swelling, but the disease also affects deeper tissues. The disease was described 13 days after vaccination against influenza (67), and after hepatitis B vaccination (68).

7. Rheumatoid arthritis

was adopted by several authors, mainly from hepatitis B vaccination (69, 70, 71), and after polio vaccination (72).

8. Hepatitis

can occur when auto-immune problems after vaccination (73). A nurse treated me completely normal shortly serology for Hepatitis B vaccination after her vaccination developed an acute hepatitis with aggressive secondary liver cirrhosis and diabetes. Because they do not create antibodies after the vaccine she had received several additional repeat doses, with the known result.

9. Asthma

is seen by some authors as an auto-immune disease. The link between asthma and vaccination was demonstrated by Michel Odent in connection with the pertussis vaccine (74). The hepatitis B vaccine may play a role (75). Petrovsky (76) states that asthma is the result of a general dysfunction of the immune system, and that interventions should stimulate the immune system (such as vaccines) disease may increase. He stressed that the processes leading to autoimmune diseases start early in life, age at vaccination is solid. Increased susceptibility to asthma occurs after influenza vaccination (77, 78). Vaccinations may contribute to a shift from Th1 to Th2 predominance (79, 80), which works hand in atopic reactions.

10. The Goodpasture syndrome

is a disease in which immune complexes both the kidney and lung damage. Many patients die from loss of protein, renal and pulmonary bleeding.
To my knowledge is a direct link between the disease and vaccination is not described in the scientific literature. However I have personally known three instances that are so striking that I want to mention here. Further research in this area is essential, and I have no doubt that the link will actually ever be shown.

Louise Maguire, from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, was a radiant healthy girl of 13 when she was at school a BCG booster was administered. A few weeks later she was dead.

A young Irish man in his thirties was for a tetanus vaccine despite its throat inflammation. Shortly afterwards he was rushed to hospital where he died from the syndrome.

Another girl was found after the disease measles vaccination. She survived the disease.

11. Lupus erythematosus

is a known systemic disease. Antibodies can be recovered after mild infections in asymptomatic children (81). It is therefore difficult to exclude that antibodies can also occur after vaccination.
Ayvazian describes how to Lupus 3 nurses deceased after multiple vaccinations (82).

12. Autism

For over 20 years performed Vijendra Singh, PhD, of the Utah State University (USA) review the immunological aspects of autism. A few years ago he discovered that a large percentage of autistic children tested positive for the presence of myelin basic protein (MBP) antibodies, and also increased levels of antibodies against measles virus were present and human herpes virus-6 (83). A study published in January 2002 confirms the presence of MBP-specific and a specific increase of measles virus antibodies and MMR antibodies in the blood of autistic children, antibodies against 7 other infections were negative (84). Abnormal MMR antibodies were present in 60% of autistic children (75/125) compared with none of the 92 normal children in the study. Of this increase was shown to specifically do with the vaccinal measles virus (MV haemagglutinin antigen). Finally, more than 90% of MMR antibody-positive also positive for MBP, indicating a causal link between MMR vaccination and between autoimmune response in the brains of autistics. The author also suggests that atypical measles rash but with neurological symptoms is indeed at the basis of autoimmune responses in autism.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield for his part pointed to a link between measles virus and autism (85, 86).


In conclusion, I say:
Notification of autoimmune disease after vaccination is particularly prevalent in practice and in the scientific literature. The following examples are not limiting, but show that the phenomenon is very real and well known.

Despite the plethora of reports, through decades past, the link is still denied anything to do with an aberration in scientific thought. This is no place left for the observation, the confrontation with reality, shown in case reports. All facts, the incontrovertible also be weggesmeerd behind a smokescreen of probabilities. Anyone who has any experience with statistics knows how such systems are vulnerable and manipulable. In statistics, one can prove what they want. For every scientific study found a different way easily enough exactly the opposite decision. If this was a purely academic round-table discussion would still be fun. The suffering of the countless victims spirit away behind such manipulation is unethical and irresponsible. This also means that no scientific article an absolute value may be attached. Scientific research is important and useful, but one must the limitations of this method dare accept. Scientific conclusions are sold as dogma, while no more than snapshots of knowledge, here and now and then viewed from a certain angle and with an unmistakable personal conviction.
A second fundamental mistake one makes is that on statistics assumes that everyone is equally susceptible to a particular side effect. This is not the case, that susceptibility is different for everyone because it is determined by our genetic load. This fact explains the difference between a statistical approach and actual observation.

Vaccines cause so a whole host of autoimmune diseases. The consequences weigh heavily. The discussion here should be conducted is not about the frequency of this phenomenon. The qualitative considerations attached to it much more essential. Indeed, if the facts cited by me are correct and scientific references, it is conclusively shown that vaccines are capable of ruining an immune system. That mass vaccination campaigns retained and even expanded from year to year, without the causes of this phenomenon are outdated, is horrifying. That no government has the effort to correct the destructive impact of these procedures to estimate outrageous. Other than medical arguments maintain these trends is an inherent consequence of our economic system.

All this is more painful to realize that when there are alternatives to mass vaccination valable. Alternatives to the core of the problem instead of behind the facts to run. Healthy food, holistic healing and social justice are the foundation for a functioning immune system. We assume that the immune system is fully taxable vaccine is only a hypothesis, a mathematical error model with catastrophic consequences.

Dear politicians, I am speaking on behalf of many critical doctors in Europe when I say that we no longer tolerate the health of our patients, and of the European population in general, knowingly to endanger the listing of pharmaceutical companies secure. Also there is to this discussion, and we, physicians and health professionals of the "European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance" can not endure that the "general welfare" as a cheap excuse for this being abused and exploited!
Vaccines such a negative impact on the health of our citizens have no place on the European or international market. It is the duty of every politician with sense of responsibility here to make an absolute priority.

Thank you for your attention.


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