Iranian Majlis (Parliament) has unanimously passed a bill demanding that Ahmadinejad government downgrade country’s diplomatic ties with Britain within two weeks. This could mean the expulsion of British ambassador Dominic Chilcott. According to British Israel Communication & Research Centre (BICOM), Dominic Chilcott is a member of Labour Friends of Israel. The Opposition Labour Party is headed by a Jew, Ed Miliband.
The Zionist-controlled mainstream media is claiming that Iranian lawmakers are furious over British fresh sanctions against Iran’s Central Bank and other financial institutions. Iran’s trade with Britain and Canada is insignificant and not to effect Iranian oil industry.
The real reason for Iranian lawmakers’ outburst is the revelation of Gould-Fox-Werritty Scandal. According to British press leaks, British Ambassador to Israel, Zionist Jew Matthew Gould, conspired with Israeli Mossad to start a war with the Islamic Republic. The other two involved in the scandal; Liam Fox, is former British Defense Secretary and his longtime Jewish gayfriend Adam Werritty.
British Private Eye has reported that Fox and Werritty met Gould in Tel Aviv six times in the company of senior Israeli officials and discussed anti-Iran plans. It’s also reported that former British ambassador Craig Murray played a major role in exposing the activities of these thre Zionist thugs.
On May 29, 2011 – Israel daily Jerusalem Post reported: “British Ambassador Matthew Gould declared his committment to Israel and the principles of Zionism on Thursday“.
“The real concern among government officials, Murray said, is that Fox, Werritty and Gould were conspiring in a “rogue” foreign policy – opposed to the British government’s stated aims – that was authored by Mossad and Israel’s neoconservative allies in Washington,” wrote Jonathan Cook in The Nation (Pakistan), November 27, 2011.
On October 16, 2011 – British daily The Telegraph posted a report by Josie Ensor claiming that “Adam Werritty ploted with Israel to topple Iran’s President Ahmadinejad“. Werritty who speaks fluent Persian, had paid visit to British embassy in Tehran several times. He allegedly also met several members of the ‘Green Revolution’.
Why Iran must expel British Ambassador? | Rehmat's World
The Zionist-controlled mainstream media is claiming that Iranian lawmakers are furious over British fresh sanctions against Iran’s Central Bank and other financial institutions. Iran’s trade with Britain and Canada is insignificant and not to effect Iranian oil industry.
The real reason for Iranian lawmakers’ outburst is the revelation of Gould-Fox-Werritty Scandal. According to British press leaks, British Ambassador to Israel, Zionist Jew Matthew Gould, conspired with Israeli Mossad to start a war with the Islamic Republic. The other two involved in the scandal; Liam Fox, is former British Defense Secretary and his longtime Jewish gayfriend Adam Werritty.
British Private Eye has reported that Fox and Werritty met Gould in Tel Aviv six times in the company of senior Israeli officials and discussed anti-Iran plans. It’s also reported that former British ambassador Craig Murray played a major role in exposing the activities of these thre Zionist thugs.
On May 29, 2011 – Israel daily Jerusalem Post reported: “British Ambassador Matthew Gould declared his committment to Israel and the principles of Zionism on Thursday“.
“The real concern among government officials, Murray said, is that Fox, Werritty and Gould were conspiring in a “rogue” foreign policy – opposed to the British government’s stated aims – that was authored by Mossad and Israel’s neoconservative allies in Washington,” wrote Jonathan Cook in The Nation (Pakistan), November 27, 2011.
On October 16, 2011 – British daily The Telegraph posted a report by Josie Ensor claiming that “Adam Werritty ploted with Israel to topple Iran’s President Ahmadinejad“. Werritty who speaks fluent Persian, had paid visit to British embassy in Tehran several times. He allegedly also met several members of the ‘Green Revolution’.
Why Iran must expel British Ambassador? | Rehmat's World