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    Bibi loses election but Israeli fascism stays

    Benjamin Netanyahu is set to form the next Zionist regime even though his warmongering coalition lost 11 seats. However, the election results show that the new regime would lack the necessary muscles to screw US president Barack Obama on the US foreign policy. Netanyahu called for early...
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    India’s subservience to Israel

    Last month, the Indian police, under pressure from Israel and pro-Israel Hindu opposition groups, took into custody Paul Larude, a US citizen, from the middle of a conference attended by 20,000 students and organized by the Student Islamic Organization of India (SIO) in Tirur (Kerala). Paul is...
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    President Morsi: From “brother” to “antisemite”

    Zionist Jews are never known for their loyalty since they collaborated with Nazis. They’re neither loyal to Jews nor their goyim supporters – but only loyal to their own kind. The latest example of Zionists’ loyalty is Egyptian president Dr. Mohammed Morsi. In November 2012, when Israel needed...
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    Study: ‘European Jews are not Semite’

    The result of a new genetic study published in the British journal Genome Biology and Evolution claims that European Jews (Ashkenazi) don’t belong to the 12 (Semite) tribes of Israel. They’re a mix of genetic ancestries, far more of which than previously thought originating in tribes from the...
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    Israel: Syria will lead US to Iran

    The three pro-Israel hawks, Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham have been pushing Obama to provide more arms to anti-Assad foreign rebel groups. The three Zionists lawmakers are known for their thirst for Muslim blood. There is no war these threesome doesn’t like – it may be...
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    French Imperialism: From Libya to Mali

    Western colonialists are returning to the Muslim-majority African continent. Two year ago, to shore his falling popularity in France, former Zionist French president Nicolas Sarkozy (born to a Jewish mother and Catholic father) invaded Libya with the help of the US, Britain, Canada, Italy, NATO...
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    Colin Powell on “Jewish Lobby” and Iran

    Yesterday, former Afro-American US secretary of state, Gen. Colin Powell, generated a big Zionist storm by defending president Barack Obama and Chuck Hagel, his nominee for next defense secretary. During an interview at ‘Meet the Press’, Powell defended both Obama and Hagel on Israel and Iran...
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    Actual reality

    The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you ... 1 - Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him told us about many signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he said: (one of these signs is that money will increase and trade will...
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    Iraq’s first female Zionist President

    The Zionist-controlled Western press is very exited about the failing health of anti-Israel Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez (born 1954). However, it’s almost silent about Iraqi president Jalal Talibani, who is fighting for his life in a hospital in Germany. He is being treated for a stroke by a...
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    President Assad: ‘I’m not leaving Syria’

    Zionist media’s recent lies that Syrian president Bashar Assad has been cornered by Western-supported armed rebels groups fighting under FSA umbrella and Russia was looking for a safe heaven for Assad family, but in Russia itself. The other lie was that Israel is making contacts with the actors...
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    Israeli Jewish spy arrested in Yemen

    Yemeni intelligence has arrested Abraham al-Deri, an Israeli citizen in the southern province of Taiz, allegedly being a member of Israeli Mossad. The man has visited Israel and several Arab countries with a faked passport under Muslim name Abdullah Muhsan al-Himi al-Siari, Reuters quoted...
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    Jewish groups against Al-Jazeera coming to US

    “I wish all Arab media were like Al-Jazeera,” – Gideon Ezra, former deputy head of Israeli General Security Service, quoted in ‘Foreign Policy (FP)’, July/August 2006 issue. Abraham Foxman, a Jewish supremacist head of Israel lobby group ADL in an interview with Newsmax.TV blasted Al Gore’s...
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    Pakistan’s ‘Jewish Problem!’

    In December 2010, families of the six Jews killed during Israeli Mossad false flag operation in Mumbai (India) on November 28, 2008 – had sued Pakistan intelligence agency ISI for masterminding the terrorist attacks. On December 19, 2012, in an antisemitic decision, the US State Department...
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    Rabbi: ‘Islamization of Europe is good for Jews’

    We all know how paranoid anti-Islam Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, pro-Israel English Defense League (EDL), David Horowitz and his American Islamophobe are due to Europe’s rising Muslim population. However, Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a teacher at Yishva community school in the West Bank, says Jews...
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    New Egypt warms-up to Hizballah

    On December 27, 2012, Egyptian ambassador to Lebanon, Ashraf Hamdy, in an interview with Lebanon’s daily The Star, said that Cairo would pursue a relationship with Lebanese Islamic resistance as a “real political and military force. However, he cautioned the resistance to work solely for the...
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    EU throws out Israeli NGO Monitor

    In January 2010, Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor group had sued the European Union (EU) over funding of several Non-government Organizations (NGOs) in Israel which are critical of Zionist regime’s policies. The group is headed by an Arab-hating professor Gerald Steinberg (Bar Ilan University). The...
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    Indian Navy Commander: Israeli military is ‘third-rated’

    Last week, the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizballah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, while addressing a youth event in Beirut had stressed that the so-called “powerful” Zionist entity is over, and forever, following the defeat it faced in the last offensive against Gaza. Israeli...
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    UN, EU and 400 Rabbis slam Israel on settlements

    This week, the UN Security Council by a vote of 14:1 condemned the Zionist entity for its latest plan to construct new illegal Jewish settlements (E-1) in the occupied West bank and East Jerusalm. The lone vote against the resolution, as expected, was from Washington. The Israel’s ‘allies’...
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    Syrian rebel leader’s love for Israel

    The armed Syrian opposition hosted lately Israeli Channel 2 on Syrian territories, and helped its reporter Itay Engel prepare a long report that included investigations, interviews, and footage shot in their camps and regions they took control over. A Syrian opposition leader told the Israeli...
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    Israel: Gazan are punished for their ties with Iran

    Evelyn Gordon, a US-Israel journalist and fellow at the New York-based Israeli advocacy group, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), published an article on December 12, 2012 admitting that Israel’s recent Operation Pillar of Defense was meant to test its Arab neighbors’ and...