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    Man- Body, Consciousness

    Man Sunday, April 5, 2009 Star People,NL Body, Consciousness What is a man? When I look to myself I see a "body" as my means of transportation, and somewhere in that body, I, my consciousness. I always ask myself that I is somewhere behind my eyes, and between the ears. I think that many...
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    Democracy rules: from Internet censorship to secret Government banned websites hitlis

    Democracy rules: from Internet censorship to secret Government banned websites hitlists TECH TATTLE by Ahmed ElAmin Democratic governments across the world have tussled with how to manage the Internet, while maintaining the access to information and freedom of expression we are used to...
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    What is a Human Angel?

    What is a Human Angel? Last updated: Tuesday, March 17 to 22:08, 7 times Groningen, Tuesday, March 17, 2009 The term Human Angel is in the literature already used thousands of years. The Group expresses only since 1999 on the development of Human Angels. In a live channeling in Veldhoven...
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    Common sense - The Spiritual IS Waging wars Sunday, March 8, 2009

    Common sense - The Spiritual IS Waging wars Sunday, March 8, 2009 James Bartley, February 17, 2009 This story is called "common sense" and that I wear to Thomas Paine when he tried the facts of life to explain to the colonists before the Revolution. There is this story a rebuttal of the...
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    Scientists Map the 10 Billion Neuron of Human Cerebral Cortex & Find a Central Switch

    Scientists Map the 10 Billion Neuron of Human Cerebral Cortex & Find a Central Switchboard Thursday, February 12, 2009 A Galaxy Insight The study of the human brain is one of the most fascinating, and incredibly meta, subjects in existence. The almost Esch Rian experiments of one brain...
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    Research of Dr.Emoto from starchild

    This means, that Water and its magic properties will become an increasingly important part of our transformation process, and clearing and purifying the waters of the Planet will go hand in hand with the process of purifying our physical bodies and activating the Divine Masculine Codes, which...
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    Barack the anticrist

    A possible wiew on things YouTube - Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? (Part 1)
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    Oxymorons and Unhypnotizing

    this is a quite from another thread from ex scientology, it seems that this is an interesting topic to many people who are interested to free up the mind, via the inner self or spirit. quote: What I mean by this thread is that Hubbard writes something that is wrong with wogs, society, human...
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    Spiritual websites

    Welcome to Wingmakers The Soul Connection Network|Welcome! The three Wingmakers sites have many free downloads in ebookpdf form. Interesting paintings and hidden links in the paintings for an adventure of discovery eventtemples is a site for learning emotional...
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    Thoughts from Gregg Braden author Science of Miracles

    This is the bonus interview found on "The Science and Miracles" DVD.
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    The Divine Matrix

    Gregg Braden expounds on the concept of a Divine Matrix, which he defines as a bridge between the inner and outer world, and a mirror of quantum essence. In further describing the matrix, he cites the work of physicist Max Planck who wrote about a non-conventional form of energy from which all...
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    Belly of Dreams

    Dream Bytes they saw a dream within a body a body which beheld the bits each took a bit and wanted more settling on being fed they took their full tummy and rested it is good they thought until they hungered again thinking of the bits and wondering about the dream they ate another bite...
  13. Rumas

    Michael Tsarion - The Destruction Of Atlantis

    The Destruction Of Atlantis [Michael Tsarion] Decription: This is a presentation of Michael Tsarion called "The Destruction Of Atlantis - Was Atlantis A Center Of Advanced Civilization". The quality of the video is not so good, but the information and images are so rich with knowledge and...
  14. Unhypnotized

    2012 and the BEAST technology

    Let us digress to address the negative infiltration that has given rise to our current circumstances and what is being done about it. We may also see why the Kabala has been altered---as mentioned, the 12D sphere is omitted and also usually star gate (sphere) number 8 (which is actually the...