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American writer and PRN radio host, Steve Lendman, on March 6, 2011 posted on his blog that “major media is promoting war in Libya”. He named FoxNews, New York Times, CNN and BBC (all owned by pro-Israel Zionist Jewish or Christian families). He cited some of Fairness and Accuracy in Media’s (FAIR) 2008 Dirty Dozen Islamophobes, like Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly for spreading lies about Qaddafi and Muslims.

Last month, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had said: “We want peace for this country and for the peoples of the world. Those who immediately condemn Libya don’t talk about Israel’s bombing of Gaza or America assault on Fallujah, and the thousands and thousands of deaths including children, women, and whole families. They are quiet about the bombing and massacres in Iraq, in Afghanistan, so they don’t have the right to condemn anyone, especially from unverified reports”.

Stephen P. Cohen, former Jewish professor and currently a senior fellow at the Zionist think tank, Brookings, told RT Network that America should stop acting “shepherd” to the Arab world.

”Part of the problem in the United States is that a lot of the lessons being drawn in the media are the wrong lessons,” Stephen Cohen said. “People are saying: this is democracy. It is not and that will be a long journey. Maybe, it is the first step, but this is a long journey, this is far from certain.”

”People say this is a revolution, but as a historian, I react badly at this generalization,” he said. “In Egypt, for example, Mubarak is gone, but the regime is still there, the military regime that governs the country. That is not a revolution … at the moment it is only leader change. There is a lot of misperception,” he said. “The idea that the United States has to ‘shepherd’ these countries is a false lesson. That always ends badly. These countries will make it on their own or they will not make it at all,” added Stephen Cohen.

While the Zionist and Jewish groups are pushing for a military invasion to liberate Libyan and bring-in the so-called ‘democracy,’ which is not even practiced in the US itself – the anti-Qaddafi rebels have voiced their hatred of any such foreign military interference.

Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa. It is the major source of oil supply to Europe and especially to Italy. In 1980s when Qaddafi started criticizing the US and Israel – Mossad carried out the Lockerbie false-flag bombing operation to keep the Libyan oil flowing.

Victor Ostrovsky, the former Israeli agent in his book The Other Side of Deception wrote how Mossad and its willing partners in the US (Jewish Lobby and mainstream media) has influenced Washington’s foreign policy toward Libya and other Muslim countries for the benefit of Israel.

Libya: America’s new war for oil or Israel? | Rehmat's World
It is really our oil anyway. Back in the 1030's we went in and drilled all the wells, showed the local camel humpers how to do something besides raise goats. Then in the 70's they decide they didn't need us anymore and kick us out. We should have blown have the bastards away then and told them to get screwed. Anyway we let them get away with it to keep the peace and now those Muslin bastards want to kill everyone who does not believe like they do. What a bunch of camel humping hipocrits. It is our oil and we want it...
At least they aren't 9 or 10 years old like your Islamnazi camel humping brothers and Allah like screwing..