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Pro-Israel New York Times did it again! On December 27, 2012, NYT foreign desk, assignment editor, Rick Gladstone (a Zionist Jew), committed another serious journalistic malpractice. He claimed that “Iranian president Ahmadinejad dismissed his health minister (Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi), the only woman to serve in the cabinet since the 1979 Islamic Revolution“.

Before, I discuss Rick’s speculations behind the dismissal – I like to enlighten the Israeli hasbara fools that since 1979 Islamic Revolution, several women have held the positions of cabinet ministers and vice-presidents. Both the US and Israel have not produced a woman vice-president so far!

Dr. Massoumeh Ebtekar (formerly a professor at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran) was the first woman vice-president (1997-2005) in the former president Ayatullah Mohammad Khatami administration. She also served as spokesperson for students who occupied the US embassy in Tehran for 444 days just after 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Zahra Shojaei was a cabinet minister in Khatami administration, responsible for Women affairs.

Fatemeh Javadi Ph.D, is a former vice-President and Head of Department of the Environment (2005-2009). She is daughter of Ayatullah Javadi Amoli.

Nasrin Soltankhan Ph.D (vice-President and Women and Family Affairs Minister), Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi (Health Minister) and Fatemeh Ajorlou (Social Security and Welfare Minister) were three women members of Ahmadinejad’s second-term administration.

Interestingly, the Zionist-controlled mainstream media in Israel, US, Canada and Europe copied Rick Gladstone’s lie without bothering to check the facts. Sadly, Press TV fell into the trap too.

Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi was removed from the post – not because she had offended some powerful lobby group, as is the usual case in the US, such as, dismissal of Chase Freedman, Gen. David Petraeus, Susan Rice and currently Chuck Hagel, but because her ministry had criticized the government for not allocating enough foreign exchange needed for the import of some critically needed medicine. Nearly, 80% of daily use medicine are locally produced. Iran faces shortage of foreign currency as result of US-Israel-EU “crippling” sanctions.

Last month, when Netanyahu dismissed his defense minister Gen. Ehud Barak over Jewish army’s military humiliation during the 8-day war with Hamas – the Zionist-controlled media called the event “Barak quits politics”!

Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi was not sacked for any corruption or sex charges which are common among the US and Israeli leaders, from US president Bill Clinton to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Zionist foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman.

President Ahmadinejad has appointed Mohammad Hassan Tariqat Monfared as care-taker minister to replace Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi. I sincerely hope, Rick Gladstone, knows that like Barack Obama, Ahmadinejad, too, has the constitutional right to sack ministers of his cabinet.

NYT: Ahmadinejad sacks “the only woman minister”! | Rehmat's World