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    Chuck Hagel bow down to please Israel

    Chuck Hagel who was painted as “Jew-hater, anti-Israel, pro-Iran and receiving funds from Hamas”, has finally learned how to keep his new job for a while. In order to please his pro-Israeli opponents, on Tuesday, Chuck Hagel invited and ‘huged’ Israel’s out-going foreign minister Gen. Ehud...
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    Bangladesh’s Kangaroo court convicts Muslim leaders

    Sheikh Hesina, Bangladesi prime minister is on a revenge spree against country’s eminent Muslim leaders who opposed his father Sheikh Mujibur Rehman’s war against the central government to turn East wing of Pakistan into Bangladesh based on Bangla language and ethnicity. Last month...
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    AIPAC Conference 2013: All about Iran

    On Sunday, speaking at the 3-day Israel Lobby (AIPAC) annual policy conference being held in Washington DC, Gen. Ehud Barak, Israel’s outgoing defense minister pleaded to Obama administration to build a regional security framework to protect the Zionist entity from the new emerging Islamic power...
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    Irish TV host refuses to apologize for calling Israel “cancer”

    The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has ordered Irish TV channel TV3 to apologize on air within three weeks for allowing its presenter Vincent Browne for insulting Israel by calling it “the cancer in foreign affairs”. Vincent Browne is a British journalist and host of TV3 show, ‘Tonight...
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    Kerry visits Egypt to counter Iranian influence

    John Kerry, Obama’s new Crypto-Jew foreign secretary, landed in Cairo on March 2. Ahead of his arrival, Obama called his Egyptian counterpart Dr. Muhammad Morsi. Both leaders talked about Syria, Israel, Gaza, local economy and country’s democratic process. “The two Presidents discussed regional...
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    UN Envoy: The two-state solution is on “life-support”

    Netherlands-born Robbert Sherry, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace (UN envoy to the Quartet), in a brief to the UN Security Council on January 23, 2013, said that unless the UN and other world powers take immediate practical action to push for a two-state solution to...
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    Israel gets ready to cash-on Syrian conflict

    While the world’s eyes are focussed on the daily bloody events in Syria – and Syrian army is pre-occupied fighting the western sponsored anti-government insurgency – it dawned on the Zionist regime recently how to make its occupation of Syrian territory of Golan Heights permanent. On Thursday...
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    ‘Five Broken Cameras’: The film Israel hates

    Emad Burnat, Palestinian director of a documentary film ‘Five Broken Cameras’ along with his wife Soraya and their 8-year-old son Gibreel were detained for two hour at the LAX airport on arrival from Turkey on February 20. Burnat is in Los Angeles for Sunday’s Academy Awards, where the film he...
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    EU refuses to declare Hizballah a ‘terrorist organization’

    The Zionist regime is furious over European Union (EU) for refusing once again to bow to Zionist pressure and declare Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizballah a “terrorist organization”. Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sure that after a pro-Israel Bulgarian official blamed Hizballah...
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    Syrian shot down two Israeli drones

    On Wednesday, Syrian Mayadeen TV claimed that Syrian army shot down two of the seven Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) which entered Syrian space from the Golan Heights along Syrian-Lebanese border. The drones were shot down over the village of Deir al Ashayer, 15 miles West of Damascus and...
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    US-Israel-Saudi terrorism in Pakistan

    On February 16, 2013 – a grocery market within Quetta’s shia Hazara community, was target of a bombing attack which took the lives of 65 peoples while injuring another 180 people. The Saudi-Qatar funded anti-Shia militia Lashkar-e-Jhangvi took the responsibility for the attack. The so-called...
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    Jews against Cardinal Rodriguez for Pope

    Jewish groups have started their smearing campaign against one of the leading contenders, Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga (born 1942) of Honduras as successor to the retiring Pope Benedict XVI. The first shot was fired by no other than the Jewish academic, Dr. Alan Dershowitz, the...
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    Lobby: Hamas weighs to recognize Israel

    When it comes to Israeli Hasbara (propaganda), even Nazi propaganda minister, Dr. Joseph Geobbels, could have learned a few tips. The latest Hasbara crap was published by the Zionist Al-Monitor Palestine Pulse. It claimed on February 8, 2013that though the Gaza-ruling Palestinian Islamic...
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    Israel rejects US report on Israel-PA education

    The Zionist Education Ministry has rejected the findings of a US State Department funded study, which has claimed that the textbooks taught in Gaza and the West Bank don’t teach hatred toward Jews. The Ministry has called the report “profoundly unobjective”. The American Jewish advocacy group...
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    Ahmadinejad’s historic visit to Egypt irks Israel Lobby

    Yesterday, Iranian president Dr. Ahmadinejad began his historic 3-day visit to the largest Muslim Arab nation, Egypt. While in Cairo, he will attend the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran – and as Chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement...
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    Israel outraged at Iran-Argentina joint ‘Truth Commission’

    Israel’s foreign ministry has lodged a protest with Argentinian ambassador in Tel Aviv, showing country’s outrage over Argentina’s Jewish foreign minister Hector Timerman for agreeing with Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi to establish a joint “truth commission” to examine the 1994...
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    Why South Africans hate Israel?

    Last year, Jewish author and editor, Peter Alexander Beinart, was chased by pro-Israel goons for his book, ‘The Crisis of Zionism‘. On January 29, 2013, Beinart penned an article at Jewish propaganda organ, The Daily Beast, in which he claims that politicians in both United States and South...
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    Jewish groups apologize for Israeli attack on USS Liberty!

    Leaders of several major American Jewish organizations met Barack Obama and members of his national security team on January 23, 2013 offering abject apologies for the Israeli covert attack on USS Liberty. According to Karl Reich, BNN senior producer, the Jewish groups included ADL, AIPAC and...
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    Hebrew Playboy to improve Israel’s world image!

    Daniel Pomerantz, a US-Israel dual citizen has announced to launch the Hebrew version of famous men’s sexy magazine Palayboy. Like a typical Israel-Firster, Pomerantz too believe that his Israeli porn-filled magazine will help to improve Israel’s international image which has nose-dipped since...
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    Egyptian President says “Jews” control US media!

    The latest Israel Hasbara (propaganda lie) against Egyptian president Dr. Mohamed Morsi is hillarious. According to the Jewish Telegraph Agency (January 23, 2013), Morsi told US congressional delgate last week that “he gets bad US press because “certain forces” control the media“. The Jewish...