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    Dagan: ‘Syria’s Assad removal is good for Israel’

    Speaking at the Jerusalem Post conference in New york on Sunday, Gen. Meir Dagan, former head of Israeli Mossad, said that removal of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad from power “will be highly beneficial for Israel from a strategic point of view; weaking Hizbullah, Iran and Hamas in the...
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    UK Chief Rabbi: “Murdoch is Israel’s best friend”

    Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, during his recent visit to Israel, declared the notorious multi-billionaire media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, Israel’s best friend. “Israel doesn’t have a better or more significant friend in the world than Mr. Murdoch,” said Sacks at the Tel Hai academic college...
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    British cartoon depicts Netanyahu a “bloodthirsty Jew”

    On the eve of the Holocaust Memorial Day, the British weekly, The Sunday Times, irked the Jewish groups for posting a cartoon depicting large-nozed Benjamin Netanyahu hunched over a wall building with blood and limbs of writhing Palestinians in pain (See the cartoon on top left). The caption...
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    Israel and the “Iranian Threat”

    Yesterday, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of visiting US Senators that if relected his first priority would be to stop Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb by all means (Israel has between 240-400 nuclear bombs of its own). He thanked the group for their blind support for the...
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    Israel sabotages Washington-Tehran direct talks

    Israeli lobby groups and lawmakers in the United States are affraid that Barack Obama in his second term may decide to hold direct talk with Iranian leaders to end country’s 34-year-old confrontation with the Islamic Republic. Obama has been advised by some of his top military generals, security...
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    German Jew comedian makes fun of Holocaust!

    Oliver Polak is not ashamed to tell his audience on stage that he doesn’t believe in Zionist narrative of the Holocaust; ‘Six Million Died’. Polaks, known as ”the only German Jew comedian“ has been criticized by Israel lobby group for making fun of the new Jewish religion. Polaks response has...
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    Gaza War and the British anti-Semite cartoon

    The award-winning British cartoonisist Steve Bell did it again. His latest cartoon (at the top of this post) publish in Guardian (November 15, 2012) shows Israeli warmongering prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking Israeli Jews to vote his hawkish Likud party back into power while two top...
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    Dutch PM: ‘Israel should be in Germany’

    On November 8, 2012, Dutch daily Telegraaf quoted former Dutch prime minister Dries Van Agt as saying that Jews should have been given a safe homeland in Germany instead of Palestine – as Palestinians had nothing to do with the Nazi Holocaust – which was committed by the Frankist Jews, according...
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    Lobby: ‘Belgium next Islamic State’

    “People in Israel have to know that they have a lot of friends here in Europe, because I think we have a common struggle going on: the struggle against radical Islam. We are aware of the fact that Israel is the only European, Western and democratic country in the Middle East, surrounded by...
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    Bishop Williamson sacked by the Church

    Last week, the Vatican announced that it has expelled British Bishop Richard Williamson 72 for questioning the ‘Six Million Died’ figure. Williamson, in an interview with a Swedish television had claimed that Nazis did not use gas chambers and killed no more than 300,000 Jews. The claim...
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    UNHR Envoy: ‘UN must boycott Israel’

    On October 25, a frustrated UN Human Rights special Rapporteur for Israel and Occupied Territories, Richard Falk (Jewish), in his latest report to the UN has urged the member nations of the UN General Assembly to boycott companies that do business with the Zionist entity. Washington’s envoy at...
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    Jewish Lobby: ‘Norwegian hates Israel’

    The pro-Israel Jewish leaders connected to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe , in a recent statement has whined that anti-Israel attitudes in Norway may be fuelling anti-Semitism there. Norway’s welknown sociologist, professor Johan Galtung, claims that six Jewish...
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    Anti-bankers mural offends British Jewish groups

    A mural in the heart of bohemian east London has caused uproar among local politicians and community leaders who have accused it of being anti-Semitic – in an area with a long Jewish and immigrant history. The mural is work of internationally renowned LA-based graffiti artist Mear One (Kalen...
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    France: No Jewish Skullcaps, please!

    Yesterday, Le Pen 44, leader of National Front, in an interview with pro-Israel French daily Le Monde, called for a ban on wearing Jewish skullcaps (Kippah) in “shops, on public transport and on the streets”. She based her logic on the French law that bans religious head-cover (Hijab) for...
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    Bernard Levy: ‘Qaddafi was an enemy of Israel’

    “I have made myself a rule. Whnever I hear a person speak in the name of ‘Jewish values’ or ‘as a Jew’, I immediately seek cover. I suggest you do the same,” Gilad Atzmon, Israeli-born Jewish writer, author, musician and blogger, September 14, 2012. French Jewish journalist and political...
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    Libya: ‘You reap what you sow’

    It seems American-funded ‘Islamists’ who lead the revolt against Libyan leader Qaddafi in Benghazi last year, have turned their NATO-supplied rockets against Americans. Today, the Reuters reported that US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens 52, and three other embassy officials were killed...
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    Jewish UN Watch’s anti-Sudan campaign

    The Zionist Jewry is well-known for using pornography and Hollywood to market Israel’s propaganda lies against its perceived nations posing “existential threat” to the illegal Zionist entity. There are several pro-Israel Jewish Hollywood actors, both gays and straight, known for anti- Sudan and...
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    Austria’s anti-Bankers cartoon angers Jewish groups

    The leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, is being chased by Austrian and European Jewish lobby groups for posting an anti-banker cartoon on Facebook. The cartoon depicts a banker with a hooked nose and a Star of Zion cufflinks. He is being fed delicacies by a man who...
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    Obama, Netanyahu and the ‘Ray Gun’

    Eli Valley is a New York-based Jewish cartoonist and writer. In his latest cartoon, entitled ‘The Hater in the Sky’, (see the cartoon here), depicts Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu raping and eating American president Barack Obama’s limbs as he forces him to implement his demands which...
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    Tehran’s International OWS Cartoon Festival

    Recently, Islamic Republic’s Fars News Agency held an International Occupy Wall Street Cartoon Festival in Tehran to draw global attention to Americas’ popular protest movement against capitalism which only serves 1% of country’s rich and powerful minority (mostly Zionists). The International...