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Video of Colin Powell - Crisis on January 21 or 22.

Video Description:
Colon Powell tells "there will be a crisis on January 21 or 22, but we don't know what."

Original Content @2:40

later that day...

Thank you ebloggie for posting the original content, Tom Brokaw for being one of the biggest CFR members, thus able to interview people of this stature, and Colon Powell for exposing the corruption.

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Video from WeAreChange showing Vice President Joe Biden promises an upcoming crisis.

Video Description:
Several days before election day I caught up with Joe Biden and asked him what he meant when he said mark his words Obama's presidency will bring a "generated crisis". He told me it would happen regardless of who's president, he stated he was only repeating what the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was saying and there would in fact be an international crisis without a doubt he didn't even think twice when I asked him. I also tried to ask him about what Obama meant by stating we have "negative liberties" and the Constitution is "flawed", he then ignored me. He claims they will have to make some tough decisions due to an international crisis. I wonder if those "tough decisions" will be similar to the "tough decisions" Bush made after 9/11 like passing the Patriot Act, spying on Americans without warrants and engaging in an endless war. Even Obama stated in his Chicago speech on election night shortly after his victory that he will have "challenges" which will force him to make unfavorable decisions. It's time Americans wake up and realize that Trilateral co-founder and associate of Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller: Zbigniew Brzezinski is pulling the strings of this administration and according to numerous publications he's written the past few decades, we are in for some tough times...
Here is what Colin Powell said:
"The problems will always be there and there’s going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we don’t even know about right now.

So I think what the President has to start to do is to start using the power of the oval office and the power of his personality to convince the American people and convince the world that America is solid, that America is going to move forward, we are going to fix our economic problems, we’re going to meet out overseas obligations."

Here is what Joe Biden said:
"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking," Biden said.

"Remember I said it standing here. if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. And he's gonna have to make some really tough -- I don't know what the decision's gonna be, but I promise you it will occur. As a student of history and having served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it's gonna happen," Biden continued.
I wonder what Michelle Obama means by this:

Go to 1:23 in this video Michelle Obama says "We are about to face some major challenges, and it's gonna be up to all of us to renew American together"

What do you think she means by this? Dose she know something we don't?

I wonder what Michelle Obama means by this:

Go to 1:23 in this video Michelle Obama says "We are about to face some major challenges, and it's gonna be up to all of us to renew American together"

What do you think she means by this? Dose she know something we don't?


It does seem like she may know something. Either that, or she assumes that they are going to test her husband in some way by basically killing the country.

Either way, it does seem rather odd to me that she would say that. I played it a few times over to try to make more sense of it, and it just seems bizarre.

What does she know? Does she know? I can't help but wonder.
does anyone remember Obama talking about needing a 'civillian national security force"
here is an article:
Obama's 'civilian national security force'

I wonder if this will have anything to do with a possible crisis on or around that date?
so far Gaza is in the news and 20 to 30,000 troups were deployed to Afghanistan from Canada.
good video
and while people are clapping in the background and hooting and hollering for this to happen----none realizing what this will mean in reality. Words sound good but -- like the name of this forum when unhypnotized we see through it