Dr. David Morrison is the Senior Scientist at the NASA Astrobiology Institute. - has a website dispelling myths about Nibiru/planet x,

link; CSI | The Myth of Nibiru and the End of the World in 2012

this is the title from the article "The Myth of Nibiru and the End of the World in 2012

In his article he says the Maya have an end of the world date of 2012 etc. and that it is caused by Planet X or Nibiru -- I dont believe that the Maya say that and we can be sure that much on the net about this prophecy has quite a bit of disinfo

but what about the blocked out areas in google sky?

Much ado is happening around the thought that a massive planet might swing through our solar system and wreak havoc on the gravitational field of Earth somewhere around December 12-21-2012. Nibiru, Planet X (PlanetX) is supposedly a planet that cycles through the solar system between Mars and Jupiter every 3600 years. It is believed that this planet was responsible for cataclysms like Noah's flood, Atlantis sinking and other geologically evident catastrophes. There seems to be a cycle for these sorts of incidents too, and Nibiru, Planet X could be involved. Some believe that the increase in cataclysmic activity on the Earth has to do with the approach of Nibiru, Planet X.

Nibiru, Planet X, NASA Scientists Are Quiet

Nibiru, Planet X, and its brown dwarf star, a twin to our sun, is not verified by NASA scientists as being real, but then again, if a catastrophe of those proportions were going to happen on the Earth and all the people couldn't be saved, would the government tell us it was real? It is very possible that NASA scientists have all received a gag order and are not allowed to tell about it. It could be a very highly confidential top secret that has only been leaked by those who unofficially spoke about it who were or are on the inside scoop about Nibiru and Planet X. Some NASA scientists have come out and said that there is no such thing as Nibiru or Planet X. Others say Nibiru, Planet X exists without a doubt. So here we have another quandary about what's really happening.

Several people report that Nibiru, Planet X can already be seen as a fairly sizeable ball of light next to the sun in the south pole already. It is said that Nibiru, Planet X will be seen by all in the world by 2010-2012. However, if you're in the south pole now you can see it with the naked eye. It is said that NASA already has scientists in the south pole watching Nibiru, Planet X and learning all that they can about it. Again, no NASA scientist seems to be willing to verify that Nibiru is real and all that exists is a few pictures on the internet that may or may not be real.

Some spiritual traditions and religions have predictions about "a star that will appear" when it comes to the end times. The Hopi predict that a star will appear and they call it the Kachina star. The Maitreya group calls the star a signal that Maitreya is coming to save humanity and enlighten everyone. There are other traditions as well that speak of the sky doing wild things right before chaos on the Earth ensues.

to read full article and others that may of interest
link: Nibiru Planet X 2012 Niburu Annunaki Sumerian Nephilim Anunaki Enki Planetx
Please keep in mind that much of what is 'out there' is disinfo -- there is a good possiblitlity that nothing will happen on that proposed date in december 2012-

Some belief that Nibiru has come and gone and we were saved by a well timed solar flare that pushed Nibiru and consequently we were out of harms way and saved by 'grace' as Nissam Haramein put it.

But there is something afoot - could be we are still in danger from the Oort cloud - or the whole plan of the ptb to keep us in servitude -- or as Cliff High suggests the 'windings' of the sun will explode in huge deadly solar flares in 2012 - burning much of earth and creating floods etc.

the main idea of this thread is just to put what is out there in this thread -- go over it and decide for yourself what you believe to be true or disinfo --

there is something that most can agree with --- there is something afoot -- its up to each of us to decide clearly with the info that we have, share with one another and do our best --
antimatter radio - talking about 2012 being a positive event of expanding consciousness

could these red microbes coming from Nibiru? the prophecy that the sky will turn red from Red Elk and |Grandfather (they are both here - Red Elk link https://unhypnotize.com/pineal-gland-awakening-star-nations-native-teachings/13744-red-elk-teachings.html

Grandfather's prophecy as well as the Hopi Prophecy that talks of the Red Kachina who will take off his mask and when these things happen the time is close at hand for the ending of the fourth world and the golden age of the fith world to come after

I wondered .... could the red kachina be Nibiru? could the red sky of Grandfather and Red Elks vision be the dust coming from it?
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beautiful video from Gregg Braden of 2012 earth changes etc

[video]Gregg Braden - 2012 Shift of the Ages - Part 1 [/video]